Monday, March 4, 2013

Back On The Potter's Wheel: An Autobiography of Spiritual Discovery

Back On The Potter's Wheel: An Autobiography of Spiritual Discovery Review

It's the 1960's when Vickie begins her search for purpose in life. The Vietnam War headlines the news. Hippies are roaming the hillsides proclaiming free love and marijuana for all. Flower children handing out carnations, claim to hold the key to world peace. Rock musicians sing tunes to give an emotional high into worlds of non-conformity. It's all a mixture where things unrealistic get passed on as realism after all. It's in this world of half-truths that Vickie encounters the realities of God. Her spiritual journey begins. In the years to follow, there are times when her thoughts go in a topsy-turvy, whirlwind spin of praise and adoration to God one moment, and self-doubt and despondency the next. On these pages, Vickie shares her journey of discovering God. Both joy and pain accompany her along the way, but guiding the entire expedition is The Master Potter Himself. Read more...

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